У Vault Marketa такаяже база как и у validshop.su, это та которая по 1.5$. Если администрации нужны доказательства для бана данного membera, без...
This site is still under feds control, if you care about your security do not use this.
Hello. Few days ago we posted that validshop.su , was under police control. Check site and you will see: logs, credit cards, payments that was...
Domain was registered in other place thats why it was not shutdown. You could use this service, i just wrote thats all information are in hands of...
So who was wright ? Validshop down for 2 days, you think you are safe now ?
Pm me your username and you will see
Main page shows technical works, i think this message should warn you too.
Some guys contacted me and ask to post, because they are do not know where to post this info
Yes, its only beginning
Do not forget time when SC Support controlled vpn, and lot of peoples was arrested, so be careful
I do not ask for money, i just tell everyone that you share all info, and i had logs where you told that you pay hosting providers for getting...
I do not have their cc because as i told , only information about users was shared, so think about it.
I do not think its easy. I ask to stick this topic and ban this service, because its share all info with third party and stored all information...
Pm me with your username and you will get more info, to your pm only
Peoples contacted me and asked to post this on forums, thats all. I do not have other information, they gave me all info, and told that they will...
If you do not worry about your security, never mind, its info for other peoples who are clients of this service.
Hello Admins. I am wonder, why fed shop is still on forum ? He selling Russian Credit Cards and this prohibited on this forum. If you cant ban him...
Попросили запостить, я думаю информация будет важной для всех пользователей данного форума, которым дорога личная безопасность. For English Users...