bro i just would like to ask you a question you say his eu approval was 90% out of how many your telling me out of 100 that 90 worked if so bro...
what is is old nick bro tell us who he is expose him now!!!
i was reading your post bro not trying to be funny but you said resellers are welcome. Just wondering arent you a reseller yourself bro .
resolved thanks bro for handling your biz nicely done. i just hate when ppl come on here and say stupid stuff on the forum and not know what the...
i need not ask any vendors about you big spendor cause i see who you are spokeman sense you so big when will you retire lol. now plz mind your biz...
sound like u have nuts in your mouth dont talk with your mouth full. newboy and who are you yell at watch your mouth cause it not you biz anyway...
you seem like you was talking to fast bro i must have knew something you didnt know lol about sense your so smart ... what negitive about that...
there is no problem matter is clear i just hate when ppl come here very new and get in ppl biz and make comments and dont know what they they are...