Да не парься, я в универе 4 года назад так делал, тоже по штуке мне давали. До сих пор никто не пришел. Может и распродают. Если заблокируешь,...
Long time ago I have read a post by him he said they are two different members (GZero and GroundZero).. I dont know, but I do GZero is on darkode...
basetrader, Check your PM please!
I have sent you a PM! Reply please! Thanks!
Is there any chance to giving us an english version?? Or please just answer: how much an atm card with a wmz personal passport??
Yes it would be for a better price!
Yes this guy looks like a jerk. I also wanted to deal with him.. But now I think I wont. Anyway this guy ("BoniM") has mathematic problems:...
Interested! I contact with you!
I have the same problem with him. I also tried to contact with him but he is always offline..