how come andrew ripped everyone else but me.,..? i got my dumps... so as far as i am concerned he is no ripper... goodluck in your future...
valid u didnt get dear status for nothing.. i had just elevated your status to hyena,,,, 1.800 is nothing to a man of my means
Guys pls Give andrew some time and lets see ...hes gone prove u cynics wrong as he has always done... i still maintain and dig my foot in the...
andrew has is not and will never be a ripper.. i sent him 1.800$ too and havent heard from him but i am not worried at all. hes either away or...
such things dont happen to people like me mr abdayewatever,, i know what i want and i play the game in the right way.. andrew is an excelent...
mr abdeyaz u must be a terrible or very bad customer... ask urself that question.. the answer u seek lies within u... andrew is the best vendor on...
heheheheh,,,, so ur man decided to hit andrew wit a pre_emptive strike bcos ninja is gone. how is tha andrews fault mr Pirax ?? that suxxx big...
shut up straky or watever u call urself.. this is the most honest vendor on this forum...
this guy is not just a good vendor... he is beyong good,, he is a perfect vendor beyond any comprehension... no other vendor on this forum comes...
living legend i wish this guy wld hav all the stuff that i need then i will say to hell wit all these other chancers and loosers out there...
with andrew i have become number 1 among my contemporaries... this is just 1 month of doing bizness wit him and the profit margin is out of this...
pls talk to me on icq bro... its me AZANIA