Big update tomorow WWide and Germany 101 201 !!!
Best offer on the market!!! This offer is for all vendors and resellers : $3 USA T1T2 ORIGINAL !!!!!!! Minimum order is 3000 pcs !!!(1k classic...
New name is !!!!! Fresh US t1t2 added !! WorldWide base 101 -201 !!! Amex WWIDE base! Enjoy!
user doesnt exist
Update ! EU 201 and WorldWide 201 $40 all bins !!!
UPDATE! Update for US t1t2 .. Fresh numbers from WWIDE 201 and EUROPE 201(finland,germany,denmark,etc.)
USA T1 T2 ORIGINAL FRESH $20 all bins !!! Order only to ICQ !!!!MIN order is 20 pcs !!
U are all too greedy these days ,it happens like some bases to be bad ,this is how hacking goes ; but u when u make 10 k $ from 20 pcs with 40 $...
Contact on ICQ i got US ,Alan send me your account from shop and contact on ICQ
Just to remind u SCRIPTS NEVER FAILS ,people do check u forgot last digit when u asked for refund ...
u are not here to tell me what to do ok!? read carefull my anounces!
stop fucking me ok!?i said i will check and got with something else send me your lr i will send your money back and block u tired boy!
Update ! Updated US BINS : Many signatures available : 4147** In 3/4 days i will have USA T1 T2 fresh every day starting with $10 classic /...
checker use merchants from US ,u check it in EU ,so!?
still waiting?
UPDATE US FRESH! Big update for US dumps ..many bins ,fressshh! Contact to ICQ 627660298
im on
Only for PRO carders! I have this bin 601137 arround 10 pcs ,contact me for deal !!!!
yes contact on ICQ