got my order yesterday card looked ok not the best i seen better but is ok for the job
my order is in transit
bro ive added u on jabber what time are u online
how long when will i get my order reply back to me on icq u r online now but not replying back ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 03:22 PM...
what he was online yesterday but on my icq he was offline yesterday all day and all night wtf is he doing i will wait one more for him if he dont...
bosiukas didnt u get yr refund or did u make an order if so when did u make that new order
bro update plz when u r online
bro can u give an update
bosiukas check yr pm
underworld check yr pm
just made an order of 25 cc will update u on when received
so r u waiting 4 replacements or u mean u did not get any of the 95 cc u payed 4
i think he is busy cos he not at home when i talk to him when did u send him the money
when did u pay money and did u pay by wu underworld
all i can say is if u want to make money this guy is the man for the job AA+++++ great work bro
i buyed 5 ccs for test 4 of them worked good and he replaced the other one very good seller a+++ ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 01:34 PM...
bro what times u r online
make an order last night of 3 dumps update u on when i get the order