ahh i see cheers for translating
this guy has blacklisted me fo no reason! i asked he wante dot buy a couple of laptops i had,! he said yes but he wudnt pay upfront, i offered it...
yeh really funny losing money to a dickhead ripper aint it! sigh!!!
Ninja you gave me unresolved issues status when im the one whos been ripped!!! can you sort this out please!!
i tried to send money to his fist drop neil hataway and wu said his name was black listed, hence why i had to sendf money to his other drop emily
we shall see sir, new knew finding someone legit was so hard!
i knwo p@cman i hope im wrong aswell! but still heard nothing!
ill post a few screen shots to show u
how di i export the logs from icq,i have the hisoty up but cant copy and paste it i dont wanna post anyhting up i wann give hima chance ill give...
wat u wanna know wave,he was asking me if i cud get manu tickets which i can so ive even arranged a couple of ticekts for him to the final and hes...
day two and still nothing from cdd no response on icq, he could genuinaly be busy but hes got my £230 and ive got nothing and have no explanation
i havent labled him anything im simply posting on here to maybe put sum pressure on him to get back to me, or come thru onthe deal,he knows that...
right ok, maybe i am but when someone says to you repeatedly that he 100% gaurantees that the money wil be there! i get a bit worried as ive been...
Right i have been in contact with CDD and asked if he cud do a trasnfer for me,he said yes on a split payment basis, so 230 quid upfront to him...