TheMJ, man you have been offline for a long time.. its not my job to come after u u got my msg in icq, its all good.
Glad to bring new carders in the industry
TheMJ, will catch u online tonight for sure, last night i teach s0licitor went good hope to catch u online tonight
lol onetwolevel who are you ?
Im back people, sorry for the delays will get back to each one of you.
sammy, check your pm
TYRONEec, check your pm
Some more slots for 150$, interested ppl message me with your icq#
deniscortis, didnt rip you, I will be online tonight.
pass22, pmd
Service Still UP
onetwolevel, come on icq , ill give u additional lessons about life, attitude carding
onetwolevel, Yes i do think you are stupid , and yes u made me angry ONE day and yes my service is still working , i think you are in the wrong...
deniscortis, pmd
Service is still UP !
S0ll00n, the lessons have no time limitations or whatsoever , its all spontaneously meaning tilll you have learnt what u need to know.
rznt, dude whats your name on ICQ , talk to me there right now.
rznt, lol chill dude it was valentines , i couldnt respond last night =) , will be in touch asap
tonicooperi, the shop we was supposed to release. as mentioned down on comment (partner) no need to go on details.
Prices still the same