Мошенник junkgnn claims he accepts escrow, but ...

Тема в разделе "КИДАЛЫ", создана пользователем maslinca, 31 дек 2012.

  1. maslinca

    maslinca New Member

    nickname: junkgnn

    he sells predroped iphones and he accepts escrow but he want money to be released when he provide tracking number, probabbly same as you sent money upfront, how can i be sure hes shipping my iphone and the package is not full of shit?

    (10:52:45 PM) 610xxx775: if i put money in escrow now
    (10:53:20 PM) junkgnn *: I want the escrow released upon shipping I provide tracking

    (10:53:37 PM) 610xxx775: so what if you put a rabbit in the package?
    (10:53:45 PM) 610xxx775: how i can be sure what im buying?
    (10:54:11 PM) junkgnn *: lol, man. trust me I wouldn't rip.... look at my reputation.

    (10:54:40 PM) 610xxx775: your reputation menas nothing to me
    (10:54:45 PM) 610xxx775: i want safe deal
    (10:55:20 PM) 610xxx775: so
    (10:57:42 PM) 610xxx775: i see no problem using escrow ....
    (10:58:12 PM) junkgnn *: Yeah, no problem. Contact ninja

    (10:58:42 PM) 610xxx775: release after recived?
    (10:59:10 PM) 610xxx775: and how much after escrow up ull provide tracking?
    (11:00:55 PM) 610xxx775: im ready to buy and put escrow just answer my questions
    (11:03:31 PM) 610xxx775: seems like u're not interested in escrow deal
    (11:07:00 PM) junkgnn *: I am back, and you still haven't told me what phone?

    (11:07:14 PM) 610xxx775: iphone 4 x1
    (11:07:29 PM) junkgnn *: $100

    (11:07:46 PM) 610xxx775: sure ill put escrow instant now
    (11:07:56 PM) 610xxx775: just tell me when i recive tracking and release after recieved?
    (11:09:36 PM) junkgnn *: no, you receive it instantly and that's when you release funds

    (11:10:02 PM) 610xxx775: dude are you trying to scam?
    (11:10:11 PM) 610xxx775: how i can be sure you wont ship empty box?
    (11:10:22 PM) junkgnn *: If you think i'm trying to scam just remove me please

    (11:10:28 PM) junkgnn *: I don't have time for this

    (11:10:37 PM) 610xxx775: of course ill remove you and report on forums that u're not accepting escrow
    (11:10:45 PM) 610xxx775: cause this is NOT ACCEPTING escrow
    (11:10:52 PM) junkgnn *: lol I am clearly accept escrow dumbass

    (11:11:12 PM) 610xxx775: yea and you want release instant after tracking?
    (11:11:21 PM) 610xxx775: how can buyer be sure that he isnt buying SHIT?
  2. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    His other nicknames is:
  3. Fredo

    Fredo New Member

    Thank you all for info I wanted to deal with him but through escrow
  4. junkgnn

    junkgnn New Member

    Are you serious? I never claimed to sell iphones and this log is fake. Provide printscreens of the conversation, cause you're pissing me off. I even got a PM from you that you wanted to buy iphones, i told you i don't advertise iphones asked you where did you see this advert being. So before trying to bring shit to my name bring good proof, printscreen the conversation where we spoke about this cause i don't fuckin remember and you're getting on my nerves. As for my other nicknames on this board your bot got it wrong Ninja. I have 1 other nickname it's not that , i don't login to it and you know what it is. Set your bots straight. And you, printscreen the conversation and bring real proof 'cause you're annoying.

    ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 04:54 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 04:32 PM ----------

    I have just noticed several threads started on my username....... with a different icq than mine. I don't sell moneypaks, nor iphones. Anyone who dealt with whoever from administration is trying to have jokes on icq 611674122, stop doing it because it's not me, my only icq is 630317743 wich members know me by.

    ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 06:12 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 04:54 PM ----------

  5. akinova

    akinova New Member

    LOL faggot got caught, now trying to act as he got hacked.
  6. junkgnn

    junkgnn New Member

    caught with what idiot bitch?

    ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 06:24 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 06:22 PM ----------

    Too good someone linked me to the thread before anyone got ripped. Anyway......
  7. maslinca

    maslinca New Member

    buddy i dont know whats going on with your username or icq i just pasted what i got i keep the logs and i might provide screenshots if needed, but seems like you was hacked so im out of this, i just wanted to alert members and everyone cause i`ve smell that guy was about to rippoff so before you screaming to me its better to thanks =) imm out hope everything finish good.
  8. junkgnn

    junkgnn New Member

    Yes, i figured your well intentions. It is a different icq #, dont deal with the person, i cant change my password because i have unresolved issues. Anyway, so far i didnt hear anyone complaining they actually got ripped by the guy who posted 3 ads by himself selling iphones moneypaks and wallets. Those are not my threads and he has a different icq than mine, mine is 630317743
  9. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    paste full icq number. and with his style of speak i dont think he ever will back.
  10. maslinca

    maslinca New Member

    UIN: 611674122
    Nick: junkgnn *
    First Name: junkgnn
    Last Name: *
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: 10/17/1989
    Age: 23
    Status: Offline

    thats full log without first 2 lines where i say hello and asking him if he ships to my location on which he answered yes if you ask me their style is different that guy on icq was jelous and stupid but i cant know its just my opinon.
  11. StrictlyBusiness

    StrictlyBusiness New Member

    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:08 PM says]: Hello
    [You 30/12/2012 8:08 PM says]: Hi bro its SB from cpro. How much are you selling the mp for?
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:09 PM says]: SB?
    [You 30/12/2012 8:10 PM says]: strictlybusiness
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:10 PM says]: oh, okay
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:11 PM says]: My price is 60%
    [You 30/12/2012 8:13 PM says]: Ok, and also have ? Bout phones, do I have to release escrow on delivery ofO tracking or can funds be released on arrival of shipment.
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:15 PM says]: I would like on tracking.
    [You 30/12/2012 8:16 PM says]: If I buy two can I pay on delivery
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:17 PM says]: on tracking? or arrival?
    [You 30/12/2012 8:22 PM says]: Arrival bro.
  12. Bablo

    Bablo New Member

    LOL typical as expected.
  13. noptical101

    noptical101 New Member

    Am I wrong , or this is the 2nd time when junkgnn got banned?
    I think is the same guy who claimed that is able to hack any DB
  14. BillBlack

    BillBlack New Member

    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:08 PM says]: Hello
    [You 30/12/2012 8:08 PM says]: Hi bro its SB from cpro. How much are you selling the mp for?
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:09 PM says]: SB?
    [You 30/12/2012 8:10 PM says]: strictlybusiness
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:10 PM says]: oh, okay
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:11 PM says]: My price is 60%
    [You 30/12/2012 8:13 PM says]: Ok, and also have ? Bout phones, do I have to release escrow on delivery ofO tracking or can funds be released on arrival of shipment.
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:15 PM says]: I would like on tracking.
    [You 30/12/2012 8:16 PM says]: If I buy two can I pay on delivery
    [junkgnn * 30/12/2012 8:17 PM says]: on tracking? or arrival?
    [You 30/12/2012 8:22 PM says]: Arrival bro.

    Thats not me. And i can probably hack most dbs but when you come up with wanting me to hack extra security banking major paying systems for 1000 i might not want to do it in the first place, and probably youll get your butt hurt. When i said i can hack any db, i meant regular dbs not aol.com on c.pro. Thats the difference from a carding forum and a hacking forum. A lot of "I know what i am talking about" with big egos wonder around a carding forum. The icq that goes by junkgnn is not me.

    So at the the end of the story akinova (if you look in his threads youll see the same writing style and way of dealing/thinking/speaking, its him) got ahold of my pwd in some unknown way and im the ripper? He has atleast 5 threads in blacklist. I never had one, probably never will. This is a username i was keeping in case things like this happen but not logging very offten, . Anyway, i dont care if i keep my ban. The point is you should know that is not me, i dont rip, im no ripper. Never sold iphones. "On crack" Ninja is probably going to ban this user also, instead of unbanning my original one as he should do because its inaccurate what just happen but i guess its ok. My trip heres over. Have a nice year fellow criminals and keep your money up.

    Printscreen of conversation:
  15. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    registering much clones not hacking.
  16. HellPhiction

    HellPhiction New Member

    Having more than one users to conduct your business with so much Law Enforcement is probably good at times. Its a good criminal logic if you think about it. Feds get confused, and theres a lot of them around here even if the ignorance is high amongst the users.
  17. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    really? same with rippers who act as parnters of main account to gain trust. i saw it zillion of times when clones make fake vouches/revies/claims etc etc etc
    Dont start that fairlytale. Rules forbid having clones because we dont have time to fight with those rippers. And this is made for our members safety. Coz in major percentage of cases they so dumb and comes to this board with disabled option called common sense to analyse posts of future partner. Majority of rippers victims is dumb,lazy and dont have time and will to just use their brain.

    Remember: 1% of users who have clones afraid FEDs and other 99% is preparing for ripping. Believe me.
  18. HellPhiction

    HellPhiction New Member

  19. KUB19

    KUB19 New Member

    i wonder how he found out the icq number 611674122 if maslinca posted as :
  20. Bablo

    Bablo New Member

    aparently because of other member threads.
    KUB go on icq pls

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