Проверял старый почтовый акк и наткнулся на это: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED You have registered with Carder.pro. law an offence of fraud may be punished with imprisonment of up to 10 years. Cyber crime is not a victimless crime; criminals committing these crimes often cause considerable psychological and physical distress to their victims. By hijacking their identities, the criminals’ impact on these victims can last for several years and affect their quality of life. In addition, engaging in criminal activity on websites can bring you into contact with serious criminals, may compromise your prospects in life and even the welfare of your family. Being subject to an investigation by SOCA or other law enforcement bodies can cause distress to you and those close to you; especially if they have been unaware of your actions. The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) can track, monitor and investigate users of this forum. The fact that you have received this email does not prevent you being prosecuted if you engage in similar or related offences, and it may be used as supporting evidence of your premeditation to commit a criminal offence. More details on why this action has been taken can be found on .soca. gov. uk/index.php?option=com_contentid=529. Cybercrime Co-ordinator, Serious Organised Crime Agency Что это за спам такой? И в чём сдесь прикол?
А так хочется, говорят там нормально отдыхать) Видимо ты честный кардер))) мне пришло не на ту почту что тут привязана, а на левую которой я не пользуюсь.
База стянута с какого-то шопа. Многим не приходила на мыла, которые зареганы тут. Погуглите что амеры писали - там расписано.
нехуй на всех подряд ресурсах(шопы в первую очередь) вписывать свое мыло, вас сливают и вы жалуетесь, ни разу никакое левое письмо не приходило на почту... делайте выводы