This peronne added me to his contacts and claims to be lincoln. I was very surprised because he talked a lot. This is not the case of lincoln. In addition, Lincoln has announced that they arrested the media on icq. So is it the right Lincoln? I do not think because I asked him to send me his old icq so Im sure its him. Check the log. ---------------------------------------------- Lincoln13:55 You added Lincoln Lincoln13:56 hi Lincoln13:57 Lincoln,cc verified vendor Lincoln13:57 remember? Sydoux14:03 hibro Sydoux14:03 yes I remember u bro Sydoux14:03 what, u deleted me from ur contact? Sydoux14:10 u there? Lincoln14:43 hi Lincoln14:43 need eu cc? Sydoux14:45 do u have DE ccs? Lincoln14:48 any bins need in particular? Sydoux14:49 but u not the real lincoln Sydoux14:50 or u another lincoln right? Lincoln14:50 what mean? Lincoln14:50 i have many uin Sydoux14:53 coz the other lincoln I know never have time. He never answer. and when u answer when he is online, he does it just one time Lincoln14:59 am here Lincoln14:59 you can buy when am free Sydoux15:01 where did u get my icq? Sydoux15:04 if its you, give me your old uin so I can be sure its really you. I need the old uin I have in my contact Lincoln15:05 636481402 Lincoln15:05 Sydoux15:05 I mean old one Lincoln15:05 pls am busy if you dont need cc Lincoln15:06 lol Lincoln15:06 this is my uin Lincoln15:06 old ones i hardly use now Sydoux15:10 so its you! the old lincoln I know. Give me your old nick man. thats simple. Just need the old nick I know so can be sure its you ---------------------------------------------- He disappeared. Be very careful and as Ive not said it is the right lincoln, be careful. I hope I have helped some of you Also lincoln, if its not you try fix this if you can