he is ripper he just ripped me !
ok deputat , am sorry for u , but we gonna see soon ! Admin please close this .
Solved !
your own icq : 368570467 and u know what i ordered u even removed the link of order its was 100pcs mixed flagged dumps! i want my full...
in the end he blocked me really wow
Fozzy not answering yet , admin please check this !
Dear Rome0, , when its usa dumps and using them in usa and my workers tried more than 2-3 states and same thing so that mean there is something...
even if its regoin block , some dumps wont work and nothing worked thats means its flagged dumps thats mean crabby dumps !!!
Rome0 , its flagged dumps and iam sure 200% , cus when dump give u error (No account ) Or ( Expired Account ) thats meen there is something wrong...
Name : fozzy Profile link : About what Happend : i was paid to this guy 1200$ : 78689129 U8763461 (Brekwd) - $1,200.00 $0.00 Merchant...
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