жду на решение арбитра...
зачем ты снова всякий бред пишеш??? достал уже нереално,нитык! зачем сова логи постиш какие не имеют ко мне никакого отношения??? баран,просто...
предлагаю тепер толъко по сути-так как тс признал(правда спустя 3 дня и только после того как другой мембер виставыл скрин что трансфер всетаки...
and you want everyone to believe your words??? Liberty Reserve system fail??? say what??? so i want my money back now if you say i paid you,your...
qwertyy, thank you so much for your help!!! now,as everyone can see,i wasnt lying about sending money to the seller,he was the one who is a...
nice..... so whats next now????
i told you a million times already-wait for Ninja to tell in your or my favour,now you trying to copy/paste some of my phrases from our...
pyst mne munysyjyt eslu tyt nelzja nukogo oskorbljat,no ti prosto DUBIL KONCHENIJ!!! kakyjy to pyrgy pushesh! ny da,ja ne polzovalsa timewierom,ny...
dokazhi chto fake? Ninja bydet online,dam emy dostyp do moego liberty,a chto ti togda prudymaesh??? myltov y menja nety,mne konechno umponuryet...
kak zhal chto slavjanu takue gnulie bivajyt tak ti,lydshe bi undysom bil)) ti menja tak yzhe dostal,prosto fcuking unreal!!! yzhe dymajy ne tolko...
dude,its not my multi,dont be paranoid) im here for business not playing games! tell me-did you provide Ninja with all the proof that the code was...
why you even post here??? its between me and the seller,and yes,i bought more than 1 k before the incident decrbibed above too
[10.11.2012 20:42:19] [email protected]> who u call? [10.11.2012 20:42:21] ksenia_k> you never call moneypak,right after i gave em the number they...
i was busy for an hour,came back and see your message if i want to buy more,i said yes and you send the code right away without even me paying you...
first of all,i newer said i know Ninja) second,i have logs and print screen too,and you...well,what can i say,you are fool! your customer service...