Пожалуйста дайте без пред оплаты, у меня вообще нету денег на заказ ....
haha thanks -.-
oh please like you never watched porn -.-
LMAOOOOOOOOOO! you would fine that! you were there too lmaoo
lol you have 9 posts here and calling me a ripper, shut up friennd. people know i am not a ripper
lol this kid calling me a ripper because i did not want to use escrow because of time comsuption, i am in college and not home, also i offered him...
Came online and gave me mtcn that dont exist lol
ziggy is a riper. he wanted ccs nd dumps on plastics. we agreed on 200 Wu for everything he wanted, big order. he said he has the mtcn and wanted...