приветствую ! Есть телеграм ?
Деньги серые или грязь полная ? Риск какой ?
Вечер в хату. Опыт есть, готов начать
сможешь через яндекс доставку передать ?
Oh, Base Trader. I can not believe youre finally now a full blown RIPPER. You are on the same ICQ 638 294 371 you call your official and only ICQ...
Thanks I guess I need to register.
Kindly check why I cant login to your site please. User name ------kash. Thanks for the help.
I rank you vendor of vendors. Thanks so much for the triple A+++ service and patience. Kash.
Vendor with a conscience, and has high percentage valid rate. AA++++. Keep up the good and reliable service.
I doubt that very much Erick. However, if you doubt me, please experiment with the site and lets know your findings.
Went back to my LR history and this is what I found. 03/09/2012 05:44 Batch 87717752 U1737543 (payment chec...) -$326.79 with a green light...
Translation please if this is still the english column.
I was at your site, loaded $40 to my account but refuses to be acknowledged by your site. Left you a message by creating a ticket. Its been over...
Attention Members: Re: Magic-numbers.ws. Members please be aware that the above named site is a ripper site due to the fact that I went there...