Обработал полностью карты за один день. Сразу сделал второй заказ.
Заказал карты для обнала обещали что получу в среду ! жду
i search for non-usa ccs and could not find even one what wrong with you online shop
lol, stop carding mate u in the wrong business
Welcome to the industry
ygg dont lie, YOU PAID I GAVE THE METHOD if you need specific shit msg me in ICQ.
yggshine, u sent money for the method i gave u the method, it works as u see.. if any problems msg me in ICQ when Im online.. maybe I didnt get ur...
TheMJ, Post shit comments about me on other threads and expect me to reply lol
yggshine, I told you the minute you sent money, the way works 100% tested from me, contact me on ICQ and let me know whats the problem dont bitch...
TheMJ, Bad timing, illl contact u tonight
Price again ONLY 150$ !!!! Updated New EU methods
TheMJ, finally started tonight with you, we will continue with more
Hey everyone sorry I had health problems (nothing important for online talking) anyway tomorrow Im official back online for orders, lessons everything
TheMJ, I was about to go sleep its going late -.- ill come on icq now
TheMJ, nothing wrong, catch u online tonight
Underclass Hero, i have many customers, but i feel generous giving out lessons for same price
lotoflaf, lol someones mad, I dont see your point.. I make money I got satisfied customers good friends in here that I do business with you can...
azywzy, lol wtf are you talking about thats not me I dont sell bank logins I dont see my name mentioned and sure admins can verify that thats no...
lotoflaf, I was busy working on something big back now for my customers, thank u for giving me the energy to teach more and shut your mouth
raumuong, alright.