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good work thats how work suppose to go heat! heat! heat! great results finally
icq i bought my dumps directly from you not on your site ,au 8pcs left lr in private msg and on your icq. ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 04:03...
finally a response after numerous post i finally get a response from this seller ,his arrogance is going to kill him.All you had to do in the...
replacement prepare my replacement you havent sent in 4 days 648468086 ,thats what im waiting for ,carders beware of this guy dont like to...
replacement yes still waiting hardinthepaint for replacement ,its been 3 days you wont even respond on icq what kind of biz is this .
replacement whats up with these vendors nowadays no one wants to replace there bad dumps,but they want your money then ask for replace they...
replacement i bought 8 au dumps from andrew and 4 declined,said he would check never respond back .can i get my replacement bro need it the 4...
replacement need replacement bro please reply on icq left msg for replacement
hi when are you online bro ,cant catch you,but you always post here
work dumpfella initial order was 1 eu out of 2 good ,2 usa no good replacemnt 1 eu good and 1 usa bad ,will use again good price the 2 that...
check ticket please check ticket need replacemtnt ,but dumps are pretty good had 2 that need to be replaced
good work the cc was invalid all other info accurate,but what can you do with invalid cc-nothing so there was a problem
need to buy contact in icq want price to buy 648468086 ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 08:26 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в...