who tryed to ripp you the old icq bimal or the new. please let everybody know
everyone who wants to know if you are talking with real bimal ask him for the last order you made and the amount of money you sent. he has logs of...
(ADMIN SORRY FOR THE BAD WORDS) its the truth bimal account have been hacked, anybody who has dealed with bimal knows the way he treat his...
the best comunication with sellers that i have had in 1 year in the forum a++++ and his stuff is a+++++ too so what else you want from a seller. i...
bro what happen with you i have 20 days trying to contact you in icq but you never reply. im anex in icq let me know if you´re up to work
this guy must be a friend of his. he replaced me the enroll for fulls, he gave me 10 fullz and 10 shops to buy with the fullz. i took it because...
this guy is a complete ripper he sells the same enrolls to everybody. i was going to use the one enroll that worked and when im going to use it...
i bought him 3 enrolls the thursday and the log in was ok but the cc numbers of 2 were incorrects. im waiting for my replacement today, let´s see...
i´ve made an order with him and the enrolls were suspended. he says replacement the sunday because enrolls aren´t in good conditions. ill update...
bought 2 enroll good of 3, two with wrong cc number that´s very shitty. i´ll be waithing for you to be online for my replacement. please admin...
i just bought one enroll and 1 full ill update if everithing is ok.
i spent 1 hour looking for los angeles CA cc, and what did i get? nothing. checked all the cards and none of them pass just decline and decline....
i pmd you my icq. please add me
its been 6 days since i made the pre-order of 2 enrolls and 3 days i dont know about you. im still waiting for my order, if you were not going to...
please konseg if u cant give a good service quit of this bussiness because u r making the serious buyers dont trust in the new sellers that come...
everything was fixed
we were talking and he replaced it
well my update is that the enroll i bought from him has invalid cc i dont know how can this happen because the login is good but when i check the...
im tasting his stuff. i´ll update how everything works