bimal always been one of the best unfortunate that theres no honor amongst each other here i lost a 10pc order with whoever haked his acct he was...
hey g4 gave me a real good deal due to me being ripped by a guy named Raymond stay clear of him i got 7 pieces 2 only approved and for extremely...
im ordering from him as soon as he signs on will leave feedback definitely
G4 are u accepting new requests again? i was just ripped by a guy named Raymond for a lor of money please add me on icq
made a small order with son 2 eu for test and 3 usa the usa work euros no good waiting 2 days on replacements but the usa did very well just wish...
snuff where u at bro? its suriv waiting on what we spoke about u havent been on in couple days hit me up or pm me for email
something is up with franks connection or something hey bro when u check this contact me via email if possible or should i just continue to...