Bimal is a PERSON NO LONGER VERIFIED.STOP WITH THIS drama .Let me say it clear - RIPPER.
One thing i find funny.So his 3 icq`s got compromised...but hell no...his Username on Forums wasn`t.C`mon...
All the users that make claims they got ripped by BIMAL,make in BlackList Report Stating FIRST OF ALL THE DAY in WICH THEY BOUGHT AND GOT RIPPED!
G4 Status - RIPPER.Topic will be deleted in 24hours.
Topic closed till he resolves his issues.
Things will be resolved,he will have Unresolved Status and this Topic i Close Now! Users who have been ripped open thread in blacklist!
Thread Moved to RU BlackList
Thread can be close.
Use PM when you are Dealing with users offering Products like This.
Neah they will be resolved very soon and smooth,you may guess how much i love them.
Be aware : paid to 28.08.11 .Watch it,alot of new sellers in new clothes in here.Some of them bad clothes from the past.
Do not Deal With Cyb3r RIPPER!
His a scumbag so beware,don`t buy anything from idiots like this typo!
jordy i suggest you read rules.
Snuff you got a warning!Read Rules of This Forum!To all the people that said the word Ripper ,you have a section for that,use it or get deer status.
Jordy put logs in Blacklist.
Your actting so smart for a reseller1Warning for your attitude,that makes it the second,At Third,Deer Status.
Oh really? And What`s that Supposed to mean?Explain me i`m dumb.
One Single and Important Note! I don`t Have Anything To Do With That Email Person!But I Thank Him For the Publicity! To AF : Are you acussing me...