Hello, I have 2 reports so far that a fake SH-Bear is going around adding people, and offering different services. His Jabber is same as mine but with russian a. If you never dealed with me before. Ask a PM on forum. OR ADD ME DIRECTLY. Please be careful because his jabber looks the same as mine for people that dont know russian alphabet. Report 1 22:03:14: you here? 22:03:23: some one have Fake jabber as you jabber. but with russian a 22:03:37: 03:02:32: Someone told me yesterday. 03:02:42: ok thx Report 2 03:01:04: from you contact 03:01:09: write me 03:01:32: JID: sh-beаr@jabber.org Subscription: both Last logoff time: <not specified> Logoff message: <not specified> Last active resource: 0fe482a618d3884d Resource: 0fe482a618d3884d Message: <not specified> Software: Pidgin Version: 2.10.0 (libpurple 2.10.0) System: <not specified> Resource priority: 1 Idle since: <not specified> Client capabilities 03:01:50: No, there is a fake going on. 03:02:14: 17:34:09: what countries you have? 17:34:11: and price? 17:35:39: USA=400 CAN=450 UK=400 DE=450 FRANCE=400 ITALY=400 SPAIN=400 NL=400 03:02:25: sorry thx you
+ one guy with sh-bear msg me on jabber. and tell he have 8k entropay i sayd ok and tell him escrow only he like ok and then i told him ninja escrow etc.. and he like BTW any chanse ninja have jabber ? ( 100% scam ) i told no only icq . he like ok etc... so be care . You Escrow only guys . thank you .
This is scummer know (ninja not answer for long time) and get it for scum... he told me i pm ninja and wait escrow... fucking scummer... but one moment he not can send pm
Thanks for the report guys. Safe way for everyone is to ask PM on forum. I been here since 2009 buying codes. Also, is not bad to use