Мошенник GEGOV.BIZ fed dump hunnypot )

Тема в разделе "КИДАЛЫ", создана пользователем scorpyo, 14 дек 2012.

  1. scorpyo

    scorpyo New Member

    while browsing other forum ( which member hav allege has been taken over by government )) , we notice banner for this new site GeGov.biz wich is apparant to provide workers dump + pin , cc + pin , or dump only ))

    image that forum member provide )) ( al though this member has been flagged for being cop him self lol , he provid information wich was write )


    man on forum has advert bannr on top of forum adv dump+pin -- this is lamer attempt at target users ) the reload LR feat does no work , it is broke lol!

    site must be purpose of log IP maybe

    stay away - not one , will SELL dump + PIN!!!@))
  2. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    Tell me honestly. How u got what this dump swebsite which is unknown to me is FED honeypot? Im getting bored with ppl spreading such stupid rumours.

    You really think you have enough knowledge to see if website is controlled by feds or not? Even me, person who is started with hack in 1999 cant recognise such things only by 1 screenshot. Paranoia is good - but dont be a parrot when it comes to stupid rumours.
  3. scorpyo

    scorpyo New Member

    ninja ))
    i will pm forum link if you wish ) this web site has paid ADV on a sketchy site ,, site is host in Cloudflare in United State as well as owner of site flexter reply to his own thread to expand his conversation to say we host in belize when site hostess is actualy in usa

    i not know of singl shop or vendor , who once will EVER sel his dump + pin . this own forum , specific, has a thread about various membr say site is known scam ) i am just spread of news to which other hav establish . i will PM infos now
  4. scorpyo

    scorpyo New Member

    to bump up ))

    the other forum which had once this site verify , now has site admin banned as riper lol )case closed

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